Operation rooms are not only about performing surgeries on the
patient. There are many pre-, post- and in between functions the nursing staff
and surgeons undertake. For carrying out these functions properly illuminating
the surgical room is absolutely necessary.
If you are into healthcare business, have you considered the
following while purchasing Operation Room Light ? If not, take a note.
Clear Visibility :
As mentioned above, the medical staff undertake many functions
during, pre and post operations. They include taking medical notes, getting the
operation theater ready for the surgery, keeping the place hygienic, checking
for accidentally fallen medical equipment etc. Also, the modern operation
theatres are equipped with many computer monitors for which there should not be
any glare. Thus for clear visibility, consider an operation room light that
avoids glare and provides high illumination.
2. Staff Wellbeing :
Normal lighting requirements for performing various surgeries ranges
from 100,000 lux to 160,000 lux. For some surgical procedures, it is in the
range of 200,000 lux. In such high light intensity setting, the medical staff
is prone to headaches and irritability. Thus, consider a lighting system or
light, the intensity of which can be adjusted as per the needs of the staff.
3. Drifting of Light:
Surgeons often complain about lighting drift while performing
surgeries. It entails the movement of light away from the work area. This
occurs due to the instability of the operation room light supplier. Due to design
inefficiencies, the suspension arms of the light drift away causing disastrous
effects during operation. Thus consider lights that have stable suspension
4. Heat :
As per the World Health Organization (WHO), the most common problem with surgical lights
is the heat that they generate. The heat burns the patient’s body during
operations. Traditional incandescent and halogen lights have this problem. The
modern lighting systems come with LED lights that emit less heat and are
suitable for high precision surgeries. Thus, consider heat factor while making
a purchasing decision.
5. Space :
The gizmos that go into a modern operation theatre eats into space.
You do not want extra space to be eaten by a lighting system. Consider
purchasing a light that occupies less space and is maneuverable. A number of
lights with sleek designs are available in the market for your choice.
We understand that the above-mentioned factors are not the only
factors to consider. There may be many factors depending on your necessities.
But, the above mentioned are worth considering while purchasing the light
system for your hospital or your healthcare facility.
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