Thursday, February 21, 2019

What to Consider In An Operation Theater Lamp by Small Scale Healthcare Providers - Meditech Light ?

In big hospitals, the army of doctors, nurses and other staff provide proper feedback on the equipment requirements. For them, decision making is easy.  

If you are a small scale healthcare provider, deciding on the types of equipments for your facility must be taken with great care. Without proper knowledge, you may fall victim to the sales pitch of medical representatives. 

Here in this article, we shall help you in acquiring certain knowledge about one such medical equipment - the Operation Theatre Lamp

OT Lamps are crucial to perform a surgical procedure. For a small hospital or healthcare facility such as yours, the following factors need to be considered while choosing them. 

1. Intensity Factor

Surgical lighting is of utmost importance for a clear vision to perform the procedure. This is determined by the intensity and brightness of the operation theatre lamp. The higher the intensity, clear is the visibility of the surgical area. 

Also, the intensity requirement is determined by the types of surgery that you perform. This calls for adjustments in the light intensity. 

Thus, to purchase a lamp you need to consider:
•   luminous intensity (100,000 to 160,000 lux for common procedures)
•   intensity adjustability

2. Operating Factor

While performing an operation, there are many requirements for an operation theater lamp to fulfill. As you will be performing directly under the lamp, the design of the lamp should be such that it must avoid shadows. That is the laminar flow of light should be absolute. 

In some surgical procedures, the focus of the light should be in a particular place than spreading to different directions. This calls for focal adjustability in a lamp. Also, the lamp must be cool to avoid heating the body of the patient. 

Thus, you must consider the following while purchasing:
•   Laminar flow
•   Focus adjustability
•   Less heat radiation

3. Space Factor

Being a small facility it is obvious that you have space constraint. Your operation theatre space is already filled with operation tables, surgical equipment kits and many such equipments. Providing space for a standing lamp is thus difficult. 

Also, you in such small places you might find it difficult to adjust the position and angle of the standing lamps. Here, a ceiling-mounted lamp with suspension arms comes in handy. 

The consideration factors are:
•   Ceiling-mounted lamps
•   Suspension arms for positioning 

4. Cost Factor

And finally the cost factor. You have to make sure that the lamp you are purchasing does not add to your costs. Some lights are power guzzlers which add to your power bills. Find low-power consuming and low-cost OT lamps. 

Hope the write-up has cleared your doubts. If not, please click here for more details Meditech Light .

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